Ooops...There Goes My Mind...(my other blog)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Better late than never.....

Here they are, people. My Friday five....on Saturday.
1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
I want to say have a baby...because that hurts like a hammer to the head (not that I know how that hurts, but I can imagine.) but we all know birthing hurts.
Throwing up is pretty painful. First there is the build up to the thing. You know, the whole stomach/head nausea. Ugh! Then the mouth starts to saltwater....ick! Then the heaving, and hawing. Then again. And again. And once you see your stomach hit the toilet, you do it one more time.
But the worst pain is throwing up while giving birth. Yeah. That!

2. How much sleep do you get at night?
Are we talking continuous 4 hours straight? Because I haven't had continuous sleep in 11 years. But I usually get to sleep for 3 hours in a row. That's usually when the "I had a bad dream."..."I peed my bed, can I sleep with you?"..."Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" ... "I can't breath out of the right side of my nose. Help me!!!" starts.
But on average, in spurts I get about 5 hours of sleep. If I'm lucky. If I hide in the Harry Potter room under the stairs.

3. How long did you believe in Santa Claus? How did you find out that he does not exist?
What!!! Who told you that! He IS real.
Well, I started to suspect when I saw my mom making a doll and then later saw that doll was near my stocking with a tag saying "From Santa". That was my first clue.
I was a little sad. But the great thing about the knowing is the becoming. Becoming the Santa for everyone who still believes. Because Christmas is in the giving.

4. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
Despicable Me. Very cute. And funny. It was a hit with my boys. Why? Farting, farting fumes, burping. Yup, it had it all. But it wasn't too much. I cried. A little. In the dark. No-one saw.
Before that was Toy Story III. I cried in that one too.
And before that it was Eclipse. I cried on that one, only because I know how long I am going to have to wait for the next one. I still get choked up when I think about it......

5. What do you wear to bed?
Umm... I am a little uncomfortable with this line of questioning.
Actually, I sleep in sweats and t-shirt. Sometimes I have on socks, sometimes not. I can't sleep without pants...(read about that here from my other blog.)
And I have to have something covering me...only not my feet. At least one of my feet has to be out of the covers.  Lame, I know
And there you have it! See ya next week!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Good to meet ya!

I saw this little meme (Meet Me On Monday) on one of my peeps blogs and thought I would join the fun! Are you ready to Meet me??


1.  What is your favorite kind of pie?

Definitely not humble pie. That one never tastes good. But I would say of all the pies, my favorite is Dutch Apple pie. I think a big part of the reason for liking is that the top crust is so easy. You don't have to make it look cutsy. I don't do cutsy. I just do yummy. And yummy it is.

2.  Have you ever ran out of gas in the car you were driving?

Only a few times and that's only if no-one else is in the car with me. Wait, I think I read that wrong. Oh, no, I have never ran out of gas. But there was the one time when we were driving between Barstow and Kingman and it was dark, with all our kids and the gas light came on. I was freaking out. We barely made it to the station. I was freaking out a little. Okay, a lot.

3.  How many languages do you speak?
Well, I speak English, obviously. I also speak ASL (Sign Language) because Hubs is Deaf. But I also speak toddler speak. And emotional 8 year old girl speak. Oh, and I have gotten really good at reading rolling-my-eyes-at-you tween speak. So I speak several languages; official ones and not so official but oh so necessary.

4.  Do you take daily vitamins?
What? I am lucky to get breakfast in the mornings and a shower. If you try and throw something in like a vitamin routine I will more than likely implode. Although, maybe a vitamin would help out a little.'s a thought.

5.  What is your worst eating habit?
Sweets. Well, it's not so much the sweets as it is the amount of sweets. I would say eating everything in sight is overdoing it, what do you think? Yeah, I would say that.